What Gets Measured, Gets Managed Podcast

Episode 30: What Gets Measured, Gets Managed

The Getting Results Inc Podcast. Get your Slight Edge!

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In this conversation, Coach Gino and Super Coach discuss the importance of measuring and managing various aspects of life and business. They emphasize that what gets measured gets managed, and that focusing on the right things and tracking progress leads to success. They provide examples of how measurement and management can be applied to weight loss, sales, relationships, and more. They also discuss the use of dashboards and the importance of setting goals and tracking activities to drive consistent production.


What gets measured gets managed – focusing on the right things and tracking progress leads to success.

Measurement and management can be applied to various aspects of life and business, such as weight loss, sales, and relationships.

Using dashboards and tracking activities can help drive consistent production.

Setting goals and measuring progress is essential for staying on track and achieving desired outcomes.

Sound Bites

“What gets measured gets managed”

“The true key to success is not about being focused. It’s about not being distracted.”

“Structure on the other hand, sets you free.”


00:00 Introduction and the Power of Measurement and Management

02:08 The Importance of Focus and Avoiding Distractions

05:23 Applying Measurement and Management to Weight Loss

15:07 The Importance of Measurement and Management in Relationships

17:40 Utilizing Dashboards for Tracking and Management

19:34 Setting Goals and Measuring Progress for Success

23:20 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Tune in today to learn more about measuring activity to manage your results and how it will give you the Slight Edge in your business.