Journal for the Inward Wisdom

Calling Forth from Within

Let me introduce you to sadguru: Your sadguru is your inner teacher. The word is not a title but a description meaning “true guru.” It’s the small voice within or the highest level of consciousness. It begets the question: “How do I tap into sadguru?”

One path to do so is to practice stillness. Call it stillness, meditation, reflection if you will. It’s deliberately taking ten minutes or so a day to quiet your mind. I fully believe in stillness and know it’s benefits. However, there might be a more effective path to reaching sadhguru and that is in the art of journaling.

When I say journaling, I do not mean “here’s what I did or am planning to do.” Journaling is a way to enable your thoughts and ideas to become tangible – to get them on paper or computer screen. Once you start journaling, you will find that your sadguru – your inner teacher – begins to point you in the proper direction over time. If you can journal once a day or once a week, that’s great. However you put it into your schedule, do so. The more consistent you can be with it, the greater the probability that sadguru is present.

Take a step back to see what skill set(s) you possess (and journaling and your sadguru will help bring them to the forefront) and determine what you might do and how you might do it to bring more A people into your ecosystem. Additionally, ask how you can apply the skills to have even more fun for yourself. I assure you, when you do this, you’ll discover that “way definitely leads on to way.” Once you choose a direction to take, doors and windows open to you that probably didn’t exist earlier.

Work your design because your design will pay off in ways that you cannot imagine today and that are beyond your current level of understanding. The universe supports the bold. You’re made in the image of the Creator, and the Creator creates. When you create, the Creator also smiles and supports that you’re doing what you’re supposed to do. The result is that you are rewarded for it. To put it a different way, evolution adds to the next level and increases as complexity increases, which opens up other and new opportunities.

When you are in alignment, you will go further and faster with less fuel. It’s a physics thing!

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