Attention and Awareness

What I’ve noticed about all of my most successful clients is one common trait – attention to detail.

Think about branding for a moment. Successful companies understand the impact and importance of branding, and it always circles back to attention to detail. You may not specifically notice when something is missing, but you are sure to notice when it exists. For example, if you host a client picnic, that’s nice. But when you include branded cups, plates, and napkins, that’s a next-level detail that makes people really take notice.

Remember: Where your attention goes, everything else follows. And it doesn’t take a lot to get into the top ten percent of, well, anything. Want to get healthy? Go to the gym. As soon as you walk through the door, you’re likely in the top ten percent. Put in some effort and you’ll start leaving the remaining nine percent behind. Focus on the right things, and be aware. Where your attention goes, all else follows – good or bad.

Awareness brings choice. So it follows that when you lack awareness, you lack choice and opt for default. When you lack choice, you can’t use your brain. Either you choose or someone else chooses for you. Take it one step further – when you have choice, you have the advantage. Moreover, awareness sets you apart. Once you’re aware, once again, you’ll find yourself in the top ten percent and, quite likely, in the top one percent.

Where is your attention? Consider having a conversation with a client that turns attention to current events. Perhaps the conflict going on in the Middle East, with speculation about retaliations that might occur and what happens next. What is the chance that this conversation will have any probability of return for you? It’s zero.

Attention always has to go somewhere. You cannot turn it off. So would you rather your attention goes to improving your branding or your client experience along with your profitability… or how many missiles are being fired, what kind, and how many miles of tunnels might exist and how they were constructed? While the latter may provide some interest, there is no probability of return. Again, zero.

In addition to your mind needing to go somewhere, it moves at incredible speed. Most people cannot control their minds. It leads to quick and often incorrect judgments and opinions. We advise, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”; however, most people do. They allow their perception to be reality. It can be as simple as the clothing you wear. I have one client who shared that when he showed up in dress shirt and slacks rather than jeans and a polo shirt (although that attire would be completely acceptable where he was), the conversations he had with people were noticeably different and more advantageous for him.

If you’re being a good capitalist, you’ll be very mindful of where you direct attention. Invest your attention where you can have the greatest probability of return. Plain and simple. That said, as a good capitalist, when I talk about probability of return, I am not solely addressing dollars. It’s so much deeper – relationships, the value of life, and the vividness of existence.

When you invest your attention in things you really like to do, you escalate the probability of return. Again, this is why I always want you focusing on and building your personal ecosystem around A activities. Ultimately, you’ll be making more than enough money that it may become silly. The point of that is that your passion then calls forth action. Systems and structures become self-replicating, and your attention and awareness are where they should be.

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