On Mission – On Point

Consider amplification. By definition: to make larger or greater (as in amount, importance, or intensity); to increase the strength or amount of.

We often talk with clients about “10X-ing” one of four areas: fun, family, fitness, and finances. I have no doubt that for you and your clients, one of these areas particularly calls to you. More than likely, there is not an equal distribution between these four. One of them stands out, and there is no right nor wrong.

It doesn’t matter which one it is, but we can help ourselves go deeper into the one that calls to you with two words: mission and point.

Consider Rambo or any of the Viet Nam era war movies. Soldiers were sent on patrol with orders to seek and destroy the enemy. That was the mission. The distinction I want to address is that of being “on point.” In this example, when you are on point, you are leading the platoon through the jungle, looking for the enemy. On point means you are actively looking.

That said, we can be on mission but not on point. In this analogy, the mission is to seek and destroy, but if we are not actively looking for the enemy, we are not on point. The mission is clear and represents the bigger picture, and you may or may not be on point working toward the mission’s outcome. Additionally, you must be able to define what on point means to you and, of course, define your own mission.

Let’s leave the war analogy and make it simpler – fitness. You want to drop ten pounds. That’s your mission. So how do you know if you’re on point? You would have to be carrying out the activities (working out, weighing in, tracking nutrition, etc.) to be on point and taking ground toward the mission. If you’re on the couch snacking away, you are not on point, and the mission will fail.

It’s your choice to define what being on point means. Back to amplification, let’s say you want to 10X your familial relationships. That’s the mission – improving your family relationships by a factor of ten. It’s up to you to determine and note the activities needed to be on point to achieve that mission. Things like scheduling a date night with your spouse, engaging in conversations with the kids, helping with household chores. It’s completely up to you and specific to your own mission.

Likewise, in a client appointment, you can still be on mission without being on point. As financial advisors and coaches, we are almost always on mission. But are we on point? Are we actively searching and actively engaged? And you cannot be either of those things unless and until you define what they mean and delineate the activities needed to be on point.

Let’s consider 10X-ing your revenue or amplifying your income. Why would you do it? Is it being greedy? When is enough enough? You don’t need it, so why would you choose to amplify your net worth? The answer lies in who benefits. Thinking small, you might answer that it’s your family or your legacy. I want you to think much bigger. The beneficiary is the country and the world. It’s about keeping the motive power on the field and in play, and that motive power is rare, but it is within you. The risk takers – those who seek opportunity rather than security – are few (and are often vilified), but they have the greatest impact on society.

To 10X your net worth, you must provide a tremendous amount of value. In turn, that means you have to get many people to step forward and realize that the goods and services you offer will make their world better. It’s the ultimate exchange of value and the ultimate flag raising to capitalism.

The most beautiful thing about capitalism is that it does not happen by the barrel of a gun. It’s choice, not coercion. No one has to work with you; no one has to work with Getting Results. It cannot be forced; it must be a choice. The only reason they would choose to start (or continue) is because of the value they receive.

This is true in financial services and in any and every business. It’s not a business of greed. It’s one of service and provided value. We often forget that our business is not for us; it’s for the service of others. The value must always be greater than the cost, and the amount of that value is phenomenal. The value exceeding the cost becomes an amplifier. The more money you make is simply a reflection of the value you provided for others. Stay focused on that as your mission and take time daily to ensure you’re on point.

Latest podcast: https://gettingresultsinc.com/resources/podcasts/ my favorites episode #10 and #17