The Challenge of being Stuck and Bored in your Business Podcast

The Getting Results Inc Podcast. Get your slight edge!

On this episode of the podcast the challenge of being Stuck and Bored in your business.

And…the worst part is you make a significant amount of money! Most people would not openly admit that they are bored by their business but as a top business coach for Financial Services I run into this phenomena many times with top producers. It is based on a conditioning we learned growing up which was if you make a lot of money your life would be filled with excitement and would be very motivating. Many of you reading this may wish that you had this problem and I submit if you persist at your business you will hit this plateau if you are good at what you do. If you are lousy at your profession you will always struggle just to survive and eventually wash out.

But for those of you who are bored, a sign of your plateau is that you have made roughly the same amount of money for the last 3 years. You really want to make more money but you don’t want to work any harder because you already feel that you are working 100%! How could you find any more time to do anything more? Not only does your business feel full but is an extra 50k a year really worth the additional stress as well as the wear and tear on your mental and physical well being?

Once again, this is not meant for the masses in financial services who struggle to grow their business, it is meant for the elite out there who know exactly what I am saying. They want to grow their business but not really. They have reached a comfort level in their business where their manager does not bother them or if they are independent their spouse does not need another BMW and the kids are provided for. The worst part of being bored by your business is that you feel an overwhelming amount of guilt! You know you should be growing it but you don’t! So as a replacement behavior you get caught up in bad client relationships, you hire lousy staff members and or you become bitter with everyone around you. Other destructive behaviors you may be engaging in to assuage your guilt are drugs, alcohol, infidelity or various nefarious behaviors. The reason you feel guilty that you are not hitting your potential…Tune into this episode to learn more about being stuck and bored and what to do to overcome it.

What is the cure? How can your business become inspiring again? You need to become inspiring again! What is the purpose of your business? Does the answer to that question inspire you?

At speaking engagements when I ask people what is the purpose of their business? They will answer: To Make A Lot of Money! My response is: “That is awesome!” And when I ask, “How much money do you want to make and for what purpose will that money be used for?” They often begin staring at their shoes. They do not know! If you want to be inspired by your business, get clear on the For What! What do you want your business to produce for you? If you do not know then what you have always been doing is good enough and the boredom will continue as will the guilt.

A little philosophical depth for you: It does not matter what the “for what” is, it matters that there is a “for what”. How can you hit a target if you do not have one? How do you know that you have the right business model if you are not clear on what you want that model to produce? I know heady questions especially when you just want to go out and sell something but I submit with clarity on why you will sell more and in greater quantity.

When you are in alignment you will go further and faster with less fuel.

Clarity of thought, action and goals begins at

Tune into this episode to learn more about being stuck and bored and what to do to overcome it.

Read the Article: Bored By Your Business?

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If you want to learn more about the principles that are the core of how we help Financial Advisors get results, buy the book,

You can purchase it on Amazon. Great read written by Coach Ken.