Financial Advisor Coaching: Eight Easy Steps to Financial Advisor Optimal Performance

With my many years’ experience in financial advisor coaching, I’ve found that these eight steps are genuinely useful for optimal performance of financial advisors.

1.  Exercise

Get your heart rate up for 20 – 60 minutes; the more vigorous the exercise, the better for optimal performance.

Make it suck at some level. Allow yourself the space to process the energy. The higher the energy burn, the greater clarity you will have—big difference between walking around the block, jogging around the block and sprinting around the block. Embrace the one that would be most beneficial to you at your current level of physical capacity.

2.  Stillness

Another thing I’ve learnt through financial advisor coaching is to allow the mud of the mind to settle. Do you have the patience to do nothing for an extended period of time and still be engaged in doing nothing? Does your will guide your mind, or does your mind guide your will? Attention always will be going somewhere will you be the master of your Will or will randomness guide your will/attention. Which will bring your design into existence?

3.  Pray

What do you have faith in? What do you want for others and yourself? If you do not believe in God, what do you believe in? And is what you believe in noble and right? Kind and loving? Pray or call forth the best.

4.  Journal/Write

Turn formlessness into form. When you think you are thinking you are probably not; real thinking takes effort. If a pen and paper are not in hand nor are your fingers on a keyboard, you are not thinking. Real thought takes effort, and a marker of effort is pen or keyboard. Writing forces you to slow down your mind and get clarity. Nothing wrong with having a conversation with someone but if you would like real insight pen to paper or finger to keyboard. Remember when you think you are thinking you are probably not.

5.  Study/Read

Read books that have stood the test of time. Through financial advisor coaching, I have found that guiding your attention by design is useful. Why books that have stood the test of time? Because things of value survive for a reason just as pop concepts fade because they do not provide value over time.

Reading gives you ideas or concepts to ponder by design instead of by default. You get to decide the agenda of your mind instead of the media and or circumstances

6.  Execute The Lean Media Diet

Do not watch the news/read the paper, look at news sights and or social media before Noon or later if at all. All of those outlets are driven by default instead of design. Every piece of media is someone else’s agenda, not yours

7.  Presence Yourself To Your Compelling Future!

What are you creating by design? What are you excited about creating? In your business and your life? If you do not have something compelling, speak to your coach immediately. If you do not utilize financial advisor coaching, then complete our assessment to see how I can help.

8.  Enjoy A Good Cigar Or A Whiskey Or Two Or Both At The Same Time!

The King eats first. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others. If you are not strong, how can you protect or carry the weak? It is essential to do the things that fuel you. What fills your Go tank or simply allows you to relax and unplug? You have permission to embrace those things wholeheartedly.

Learn more about the benefits of financial advisor coaching here.

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