One-Size-Fits-All Financial Advisor Coaching is Not Effective

Financial advisors have hundreds of options when it comes to coaching, seminars, and conferences to help increase their productivity and better their business.  Although many of the options you may find are good, they are not all good options for you. So how do you know which of these options are best for you?

For those of you who have tried multiple training programs, seminars, and financial advisor coaches, you may already be feeling the frustration of trying these different training options and not seeing results in your business. You might find yourself wondering why your business is not where you want it to be. Furthermore, all you can think about is the countless hours and dollars you’ve put into coaching and marketing programs with little to no return on investment. There has to be a better way, right?

Let me start with a story…

When I started working as a business coach nearly two decades ago, I quickly noticed a pattern. Many of our clients had done a lot of work, taken many classes, and even tried a few coaching programs, only to find themselves experiencing the exact same frustrations they always had.

I put my Psychology hat on and started to dive into the inquiry of ‘Why’?  (a particularly favorite question of mine).

What I soon realized was that all of the various programs out there had one thing in common.  They were often delivering a mass model, a program that could be delivered by anyone on their staff simply by following a ‘script’.  Don’t get me wrong, several of these programs have good content in them.  It is not necessarily a ‘content’ problem, as much as it is an issue with the fact that financial advisors vary in personality, interests, strengths and objectives.

I quickly went to work modifying our own coaching program to resolve this problem of “one-size does not fit all” dilemma.  Coaching is meant to be a personal relationship that takes into account the uniqueness of the individual, as well as the distinctive design and objectives for their businesses.

In my opinion, it is vital to the success of our clients that we don’t get you to emulate another advisor’s business or plug you into a set system.  Rather, the effectiveness of our program is that we help you cultivate the ideal design for your business while catering our coaching to honor the very things that will make your business most effective.

I believe the part of our business that makes me most proud is that when our clients compare notes with each other as to what they are working on with their coach. They find that their experience is incredibly unique, even though they may be working with the same coach.  Coming off of so many programs that just ‘plug you in and hope it resonates’ design, our clients are relieved to know that we have finally gotten to the heart of what will ultimately help them realize the business they had dreamt of.

I have a client who worked with a previous coach who continuously urged her to take her top clients to the race track to race cars.  At first cut, I was impressed.  It sounded like a good idea for someone who loved cars, wanted a business based on wealthy men and someone who enjoyed taking her weekends to do such an event.  The problem was my client was a woman who wanted to work with divorced or widowed women.  She is also a mom with 2 young kids and enjoyed spending her weekends with them, not on a race track. The very idea of ‘having’ to spend time at a race track was really the last thing she thought of when creating an ‘enjoyable’ business.  Her idea of enjoyment was a gather of women connecting and laughing while enjoying unique bottles of wine.

My point is, there are many good programs available.  However, these programs only work if they fit the profile of the advisor that they plug into their system.

What ultimately makes Getting Results different and our coaching program so effective is that we first clarify the Ultimate business design for you – not the super producer down the street.  Then using our knowledge base and five areas of focus, we coach you to realize YOUR design.  The direction of your coaching path is solely based on your Coaching Objectives – the ones you determine.

Sure, we have a business development program.  Yes, we understand the common challenges the business brings that many financial advisors share.  The difference is, every conversation you have is your unique path to designing and realizing your business design.

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