What are You Solving For?

This might be a strange question for a financial advisor… You may not play the traditional game of chess, but you should be using strategy to play your game.

There is good news and bad news for you: You can never turn off your attention. It is always going somewhere, and wherever it goes, it begins to create your future. At Getting Results, we say, “You are the sun and whatever you shall shine upon shall grow.” Once again: whatever you shall shine on shall grow. So are you shining on weeds or fruit trees? Whatever you are shining on is growing, getting bigger, and will soon dominate the space. The question is are you ready for it? And will it serve you?

Most are not aware of what they are shining on because what is in front of them is dominating the space, and if it’s dominating the space, which means it’s got your attention, it’s slithering into your future. You will get more of it. Got lots of angry and scared clients who are sucking up your attention? Guess what’s coming in the future? More angry and scared clients. Staff not doing what they are supposed to do? Guess what the future holds? More of the same.

This all begets a question: What are you solving for? What is the puzzle you are trying to figure out? Once again, good news/bad news is that you cannot turn off your attention. You will either be figuring out puzzles by design or by default. Either with purposeful attention or random whim. I come from a school of thought that believes design and purposefulness are better than random. That order is better than chaos.

A few weeks ago at The Peerage, (and if you are a current or past client of Getting Results, I highly recommend that you attend the next one in September and reach out to your coach for more information) each of us declared to the group what the puzzle was we were trying to solve. It was a powerful exercise in directing attention. We also wore name tags with our “solve” so we could get insights and help from the entire group.

Here are a few examples of what the participants of The Peerage are solving for:

  • How to scale?
  • What is my purpose?
  • How do I touch a million people with the work we do?
  • How can my business thrive in KS and CA?
  • How can I become a U.S. senator?

Mine was “How can I touch a million people with the work of Getting Results?” You may ask why that number and what it means. My first point is that the work that we do is noble and right, and I have seen the impact of Getting Results on our clients for the last 20 years. Our clients have created more wealth and freedom for themselves than they could ever imagine. We have helped them strengthen their families, impact their communities, launch businesses, become financially independent, and get clear on the purpose of their business and their life. I feel it is my duty to spread the “way” of Getting Results. I believe it is the most honorable thing I can do for my country. My business is not for me; it’s for the service of others. I chose the number of one million people because it makes me very uncomfortable. The hard truth is, at this moment, I do not know how to do it. But I am trying to solve it, and my peers at The Peerage are giving feedback and cajoling me to take action and give it attention. The funny thing: give it attention. Attention by design because what you give attention to you get more of….

So gentle reader or watcher: What are you solving for? What are you trying to figure out? And is what you are figuring out worthy of your attention? If you join us at Getting Results, we cannot guarantee you will solve it, but we can stack the probabilities in your favor!

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