Best Practices for Financial Advisors: Finding the Opportunity

As a financial advisor, what opportunity are you losing out on right now? It is an interesting question in many ways. Your mind likely assumed I am talking about the investment opportunities that were at all-time lows just a few weeks ago, but that is not the opportunity I’m speaking of.

I am speaking about the opportunity to change, improve, or take advantage of the time you currently have. Many people have taken this opportunity to spend more time with family or to slow their pace of life and are enjoying it. Others are taking the opportunity to advance their skill sets so that they are sharper or their business practices are stronger so they will have greater velocity coming out of this calamity. We mentioned that this is also the time for infrastructure building to position your financial advisor firm better.

Whatever you do, be sure not to lose out on the opportunity as many are. For those who are perseverating on the fact that their business is down (or worse, closed), they may be spending valuable energy and time in worry or depressive states. When you make the conscious choice to enhance your skill sets or improve your systems, you will begin to feel like you have resumed some level of ‘control’ in your life. Some things don’t even require you to show up for work necessarily. If you are taking a time out, consider journaling or writing, exercise, or any of these easy steps to sharpen your performance.

Don’t spend your time waiting around for the doors to reopen and the sun to shine again, leverage your time to sharpen your blade, and/or enhance your business practices. Yes, it may require a monetary investment, but studies show that the best investment you can make is in yourself. It pays greater dividends than just about any other investment you can make with the same amount of money.

So don’t be left in the dust of those financial advisors who are diligently spending their time enhancing their skills and systems – join them! If you would also like us to assess the capacity and structures of your business, download and complete our systems assessment, or get in touch.

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